
服务器之家 > 正文


时间:2021-01-19 13:57     来源/作者:C语言程序设计


复制代码 代码如下:

 * DNS Query Program on Linux
 * Author : ismdeep@live.com
 * */
//Header Files
#include<stdio.h> //printf
#include<string.h> //strlen
#include<stdlib.h> //malloc
#include<sys/socket.h> //you know what this is for
#include<arpa/inet.h> //inet_addr , inet_ntoa , ntohs etc
#include<unistd.h> //getpid


//List of DNS Servers registered on the system
char dns_servers[10][100];
int dns_server_count = 0;
//Types of DNS resource records :)

#define T_A 1 //Ipv4 address
#define T_NS 2 //Nameserver
#define T_CNAME 5 // canonical name
#define T_SOA 6 /* start of authority zone */
#define T_PTR 12 /* domain name pointer */
#define T_MX 15 //Mail server

//Function Prototypes
void ngethostbyname (unsigned char* , int);
void ChangetoDnsNameFormat (unsigned char*,unsigned char*);
unsigned char* ReadName (unsigned char*,unsigned char*,int*);
void get_dns_servers();

//DNS header structure
 unsigned short id; // identification number

 unsigned char rd :1; // recursion desired
 unsigned char tc :1; // truncated message
 unsigned char aa :1; // authoritive answer
 unsigned char opcode :4; // purpose of message
 unsigned char qr :1; // query/response flag

 unsigned char rcode :4; // response code
 unsigned char cd :1; // checking disabled
 unsigned char ad :1; // authenticated data
 unsigned char z :1; // its z! reserved
 unsigned char ra :1; // recursion available

 unsigned short q_count; // number of question entries
 unsigned short ans_count; // number of answer entries
 unsigned short auth_count; // number of authority entries
 unsigned short add_count; // number of resource entries

//Constant sized fields of query structure
 unsigned short qtype;
 unsigned short qclass;

//Constant sized fields of the resource record structure
#pragma pack(push, 1)
struct R_DATA
 unsigned short type;
 unsigned short _class;
 unsigned int ttl;
 unsigned short data_len;
#pragma pack(pop)

//Pointers to resource record contents
 unsigned char *name;
 struct R_DATA *resource;
 unsigned char *rdata;

//Structure of a Query
typedef struct
 unsigned char *name;
 struct QUESTION *ques;

int main( int argc , char *argv[])
 unsigned char hostname[100];

 //Get the DNS servers from the resolv.conf file

 //Get the hostname from the terminal
 printf("Enter Hostname to Lookup : ");
 scanf("%s" , hostname);

 //Now get the ip of this hostname , A record
 ngethostbyname(hostname , T_A);

 return 0;

 * Perform a DNS query by sending a packet
 * */
void ngethostbyname(unsigned char *host , int query_type)
 unsigned char buf[65536],*qname,*reader;
 int i , j , stop , s;

 struct sockaddr_in a;

 struct RES_RECORD answers[20],auth[20],addit[20]; //the replies from the DNS server
 struct sockaddr_in dest;

 struct DNS_HEADER *dns = NULL;
 struct QUESTION *qinfo = NULL;

 printf("Resolving %s" , host);

 s = socket(AF_INET , SOCK_DGRAM , IPPROTO_UDP); //UDP packet for DNS queries

 dest.sin_family = AF_INET;
 dest.sin_port = htons(53);
 dest.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(dns_servers[0]); //dns servers

 //Set the DNS structure to standard queries
 dns = (struct DNS_HEADER *)&buf;

 dns->id = (unsigned short) htons(getpid());
 dns->qr = 0; //This is a query
 dns->opcode = 0; //This is a standard query
 dns->aa = 0; //Not Authoritative
 dns->tc = 0; //This message is not truncated
 dns->rd = 1; //Recursion Desired
 dns->ra = 0; //Recursion not available! hey we dont have it (lol)
 dns->z = 0;
 dns->ad = 0;
 dns->cd = 0;
 dns->rcode = 0;
 dns->q_count = htons(1); //we have only 1 question
 dns->ans_count = 0;
 dns->auth_count = 0;
 dns->add_count = 0;

 //point to the query portion
 qname =(unsigned char*)&buf[sizeof(struct DNS_HEADER)];

 ChangetoDnsNameFormat(qname , host);
 qinfo =(struct QUESTION*)&buf[sizeof(struct DNS_HEADER) + (strlen((const char*)qname) + 1)]; //fill it

 qinfo->qtype = htons( query_type ); //type of the query , A , MX , CNAME , NS etc
 qinfo->qclass = htons(1); //its internet (lol)

 printf("\nSending Packet...");
 if( sendto(s,(char*)buf,sizeof(struct DNS_HEADER) + (strlen((const char*)qname)+1) + sizeof(struct QUESTION),0,(struct sockaddr*)&dest,sizeof(dest)) < 0)
  perror("sendto failed");

 //Receive the answer
 i = sizeof dest;
 printf("\nReceiving answer...");
 if(recvfrom (s,(char*)buf , 65536 , 0 , (struct sockaddr*)&dest , (socklen_t*)&i ) < 0)
  perror("recvfrom failed");

 dns = (struct DNS_HEADER*) buf;

 //move ahead of the dns header and the query field
 reader = &buf[sizeof(struct DNS_HEADER) + (strlen((const char*)qname)+1) + sizeof(struct QUESTION)];

 printf("\nThe response contains : ");
 printf("\n %d Questions.",ntohs(dns->q_count));
 printf("\n %d Answers.",ntohs(dns->ans_count));
 printf("\n %d Authoritative Servers.",ntohs(dns->auth_count));
 printf("\n %d Additional records.\n\n",ntohs(dns->add_count));

 //Start reading answers

  reader = reader + stop;

  answers[i].resource = (struct R_DATA*)(reader);
  reader = reader + sizeof(struct R_DATA);

  if(ntohs(answers[i].resource->type) == 1) //if its an ipv4 address
   answers[i].rdata = (unsigned char*)malloc(ntohs(answers[i].resource->data_len));

   for(j=0 ; j<ntohs(answers[i].resource->data_len) ; j++)

   answers[i].rdata[ntohs(answers[i].resource->data_len)] = '\0';

   reader = reader + ntohs(answers[i].resource->data_len);
   answers[i].rdata = ReadName(reader,buf,&stop);
   reader = reader + stop;

 //read authorities

  auth[i].resource=(struct R_DATA*)(reader);
  reader+=sizeof(struct R_DATA);


 //read additional

  addit[i].resource=(struct R_DATA*)(reader);
  reader+=sizeof(struct R_DATA);

   addit[i].rdata = (unsigned char*)malloc(ntohs(addit[i].resource->data_len));


 //print answers
 printf("\nAnswer Records : %d \n" , ntohs(dns->ans_count) );
 for(i=0 ; i < ntohs(dns->ans_count) ; i++)
  printf("Name : %s ",answers[i].name);

  if( ntohs(answers[i].resource->type) == T_A) //IPv4 address
   long *p;
   a.sin_addr.s_addr=(*p); //working without ntohl
   printf("has IPv4 address : %s",inet_ntoa(a.sin_addr));

   //Canonical name for an alias
   printf("has alias name : %s",answers[i].rdata);


 //print authorities
 printf("\nAuthoritive Records : %d \n" , ntohs(dns->auth_count) );
 for( i=0 ; i < ntohs(dns->auth_count) ; i++)

  printf("Name : %s ",auth[i].name);
   printf("has nameserver : %s",auth[i].rdata);

 //print additional resource records
 printf("\nAdditional Records : %d \n" , ntohs(dns->add_count) );
 for(i=0; i < ntohs(dns->add_count) ; i++)
  printf("Name : %s ",addit[i].name);
   long *p;
   printf("has IPv4 address : %s",inet_ntoa(a.sin_addr));

 * */
u_char* ReadName(unsigned char* reader,unsigned char* buffer,int* count)
 unsigned char *name;
 unsigned int p=0,jumped=0,offset;
 int i , j;

 *count = 1;
 name = (unsigned char*)malloc(256);


 //read the names in 3www6google3com format
   offset = (*reader)*256 + *(reader+1) - 49152; //49152 = 11000000 00000000 ;)
   reader = buffer + offset - 1;
   jumped = 1; //we have jumped to another location so counting wont go up!

  reader = reader+1;

   *count = *count + 1; //if we havent jumped to another location then we can count up

 name[p]='\0'; //string complete
  *count = *count + 1; //number of steps we actually moved forward in the packet

 //now convert 3www6google3com0 to www.google.com
 for(i=0;i<(int)strlen((const char*)name);i++)
 name[i-1]='\0'; //remove the last dot
 return name;

 * Get the DNS servers from /etc/resolv.conf file on Linux
 * */
void get_dns_servers()
 FILE *fp;
 char line[200] , *p;
 if((fp = fopen("/etc/resolv.conf" , "r")) == NULL)
  printf("Failed opening /etc/resolv.conf file \n");

 while(fgets(line , 200 , fp))
  if(line[0] == '#')
  if(strncmp(line , "nameserver" , 10) == 0)
   p = strtok(line , " ");
   p = strtok(NULL , " ");

   //p now is the dns ip :)

 strcpy(dns_servers[0] , "");
 strcpy(dns_servers[1] , "");

 * This will convert www.google.com to 3www6google3com
 * got it :)
 * */
void ChangetoDnsNameFormat(unsigned char* dns,unsigned char* host)
 int lock = 0 , i;

 for(i = 0 ; i < strlen((char*)host) ; i++)
   *dns++ = i-lock;
   lock++; //or lock=i+1;




复制代码 代码如下:

 * DNS Query Program on Linux
 * Author : ismdeep@live.com
 * */
//Header Files
#include<stdio.h> //printf
#include<string.h> //strlen
#include<stdlib.h> //malloc
#include<sys/socket.h> //you know what this is for
#include<arpa/inet.h> //inet_addr , inet_ntoa , ntohs etc
#include<unistd.h> //getpid


//List of DNS Servers registered on the system
char dns_servers[10][100];
int dns_server_count = 0;
//Types of DNS resource records :)

#define T_A 1 //Ipv4 address
#define T_NS 2 //Nameserver
#define T_CNAME 5 // canonical name
#define T_SOA 6 /* start of authority zone */
#define T_PTR 12 /* domain name pointer */
#define T_MX 15 //Mail server

//Function Prototypes
void ngethostbyname (unsigned char* , int);
void ChangetoDnsNameFormat (unsigned char*,unsigned char*);
unsigned char* ReadName (unsigned char*,unsigned char*,int*);
void get_dns_servers();

//DNS header structure
 unsigned short id; // identification number

 unsigned char rd :1; // recursion desired
 unsigned char tc :1; // truncated message
 unsigned char aa :1; // authoritive answer
 unsigned char opcode :4; // purpose of message
 unsigned char qr :1; // query/response flag

 unsigned char rcode :4; // response code
 unsigned char cd :1; // checking disabled
 unsigned char ad :1; // authenticated data
 unsigned char z :1; // its z! reserved
 unsigned char ra :1; // recursion available

 unsigned short q_count; // number of question entries
 unsigned short ans_count; // number of answer entries
 unsigned short auth_count; // number of authority entries
 unsigned short add_count; // number of resource entries

//Constant sized fields of query structure
 unsigned short qtype;
 unsigned short qclass;

//Constant sized fields of the resource record structure
#pragma pack(push, 1)
struct R_DATA
 unsigned short type;
 unsigned short _class;
 unsigned int ttl;
 unsigned short data_len;
#pragma pack(pop)

//Pointers to resource record contents
 unsigned char *name;
 struct R_DATA *resource;
 unsigned char *rdata;

//Structure of a Query
typedef struct
 unsigned char *name;
 struct QUESTION *ques;

int main( int argc , char *argv[])
 unsigned char hostname[100];

 //Get the DNS servers from the resolv.conf file

 //Get the hostname from the terminal
 printf("Enter Hostname to Lookup : ");
 scanf("%s" , hostname);

 //Now get the ip of this hostname , A record
 ngethostbyname(hostname , T_A);

 return 0;

 * Perform a DNS query by sending a packet
 * */
void ngethostbyname(unsigned char *host , int query_type)
 unsigned char buf[65536],*qname,*reader;
 int i , j , stop , s;

 struct sockaddr_in a;

 struct RES_RECORD answers[20],auth[20],addit[20]; //the replies from the DNS server
 struct sockaddr_in dest;

 struct DNS_HEADER *dns = NULL;
 struct QUESTION *qinfo = NULL;

 printf("Resolving %s" , host);

 s = socket(AF_INET , SOCK_DGRAM , IPPROTO_UDP); //UDP packet for DNS queries

 dest.sin_family = AF_INET;
 dest.sin_port = htons(53);
 dest.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(dns_servers[0]); //dns servers

 //Set the DNS structure to standard queries
 dns = (struct DNS_HEADER *)&buf;

 dns->id = (unsigned short) htons(getpid());
 dns->qr = 0; //This is a query
 dns->opcode = 0; //This is a standard query
 dns->aa = 0; //Not Authoritative
 dns->tc = 0; //This message is not truncated
 dns->rd = 1; //Recursion Desired
 dns->ra = 0; //Recursion not available! hey we dont have it (lol)
 dns->z = 0;
 dns->ad = 0;
 dns->cd = 0;
 dns->rcode = 0;
 dns->q_count = htons(1); //we have only 1 question
 dns->ans_count = 0;
 dns->auth_count = 0;
 dns->add_count = 0;

 //point to the query portion
 qname =(unsigned char*)&buf[sizeof(struct DNS_HEADER)];

 ChangetoDnsNameFormat(qname , host);
 qinfo =(struct QUESTION*)&buf[sizeof(struct DNS_HEADER) + (strlen((const char*)qname) + 1)]; //fill it

 qinfo->qtype = htons( query_type ); //type of the query , A , MX , CNAME , NS etc
 qinfo->qclass = htons(1); //its internet (lol)

 printf("\nSending Packet...");
 if( sendto(s,(char*)buf,sizeof(struct DNS_HEADER) + (strlen((const char*)qname)+1) + sizeof(struct QUESTION),0,(struct sockaddr*)&dest,sizeof(dest)) < 0)
  perror("sendto failed");

 //Receive the answer
 i = sizeof dest;
 printf("\nReceiving answer...");
 if(recvfrom (s,(char*)buf , 65536 , 0 , (struct sockaddr*)&dest , (socklen_t*)&i ) < 0)
  perror("recvfrom failed");

 dns = (struct DNS_HEADER*) buf;

 //move ahead of the dns header and the query field
 reader = &buf[sizeof(struct DNS_HEADER) + (strlen((const char*)qname)+1) + sizeof(struct QUESTION)];

 printf("\nThe response contains : ");
 printf("\n %d Questions.",ntohs(dns->q_count));
 printf("\n %d Answers.",ntohs(dns->ans_count));
 printf("\n %d Authoritative Servers.",ntohs(dns->auth_count));
 printf("\n %d Additional records.\n\n",ntohs(dns->add_count));

 //Start reading answers

  reader = reader + stop;

  answers[i].resource = (struct R_DATA*)(reader);
  reader = reader + sizeof(struct R_DATA);

  if(ntohs(answers[i].resource->type) == 1) //if its an ipv4 address
   answers[i].rdata = (unsigned char*)malloc(ntohs(answers[i].resource->data_len));

   for(j=0 ; j<ntohs(answers[i].resource->data_len) ; j++)

   answers[i].rdata[ntohs(answers[i].resource->data_len)] = '\0';

   reader = reader + ntohs(answers[i].resource->data_len);
   answers[i].rdata = ReadName(reader,buf,&stop);
   reader = reader + stop;

 //read authorities

  auth[i].resource=(struct R_DATA*)(reader);
  reader+=sizeof(struct R_DATA);


 //read additional

  addit[i].resource=(struct R_DATA*)(reader);
  reader+=sizeof(struct R_DATA);

   addit[i].rdata = (unsigned char*)malloc(ntohs(addit[i].resource->data_len));


 //print answers
 printf("\nAnswer Records : %d \n" , ntohs(dns->ans_count) );
 for(i=0 ; i < ntohs(dns->ans_count) ; i++)
  printf("Name : %s ",answers[i].name);

  if( ntohs(answers[i].resource->type) == T_A) //IPv4 address
   long *p;
   a.sin_addr.s_addr=(*p); //working without ntohl
   printf("has IPv4 address : %s",inet_ntoa(a.sin_addr));

   //Canonical name for an alias
   printf("has alias name : %s",answers[i].rdata);


 //print authorities
 printf("\nAuthoritive Records : %d \n" , ntohs(dns->auth_count) );
 for( i=0 ; i < ntohs(dns->auth_count) ; i++)

  printf("Name : %s ",auth[i].name);
   printf("has nameserver : %s",auth[i].rdata);

 //print additional resource records
 printf("\nAdditional Records : %d \n" , ntohs(dns->add_count) );
 for(i=0; i < ntohs(dns->add_count) ; i++)
  printf("Name : %s ",addit[i].name);
   long *p;
   printf("has IPv4 address : %s",inet_ntoa(a.sin_addr));

 * */
u_char* ReadName(unsigned char* reader,unsigned char* buffer,int* count)
 unsigned char *name;
 unsigned int p=0,jumped=0,offset;
 int i , j;

 *count = 1;
 name = (unsigned char*)malloc(256);


 //read the names in 3www6google3com format
   offset = (*reader)*256 + *(reader+1) - 49152; //49152 = 11000000 00000000 ;)
   reader = buffer + offset - 1;
   jumped = 1; //we have jumped to another location so counting wont go up!

  reader = reader+1;

   *count = *count + 1; //if we havent jumped to another location then we can count up

 name[p]='\0'; //string complete
  *count = *count + 1; //number of steps we actually moved forward in the packet

 //now convert 3www6google3com0 to www.google.com
 for(i=0;i<(int)strlen((const char*)name);i++)
 name[i-1]='\0'; //remove the last dot
 return name;

 * Get the DNS servers from /etc/resolv.conf file on Linux
 * */
void get_dns_servers()
 FILE *fp;
 char line[200] , *p;
 if((fp = fopen("/etc/resolv.conf" , "r")) == NULL)
  printf("Failed opening /etc/resolv.conf file \n");

 while(fgets(line , 200 , fp))
  if(line[0] == '#')
  if(strncmp(line , "nameserver" , 10) == 0)
   p = strtok(line , " ");
   p = strtok(NULL , " ");

   //p now is the dns ip :)

 strcpy(dns_servers[0] , "");
 strcpy(dns_servers[1] , "");

 * This will convert www.google.com to 3www6google3com
 * got it :)
 * */
void ChangetoDnsNameFormat(unsigned char* dns,unsigned char* host)
 int lock = 0 , i;

 for(i = 0 ; i < strlen((char*)host) ; i++)
   *dns++ = i-lock;
   lock++; //or lock=i+1;





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