1 线程取消的定义
2 线程取消的语义
3 取消点
根据POSIX标准,pthread_join()、pthread_testcancel()、pthread_cond_wait()、 pthread_cond_timedwait()、sem_wait()、sigwait()等函数以及read()、write()等会引起阻塞的系统调用都是Cancelation-point,而其他pthread函数都不会引起Cancelation动作。但是pthread_cancel的手册页声称,由于LinuxThread库与C库结合得不好,因而目前C库函数都不是Cancelation-point;但CANCEL信号会使线程从阻塞的系统调用中退出,并置EINTR错误码,因此可以在需要作为Cancelation-point的系统调用前后调用 pthread_testcancel(),从而达到POSIX标准所要求的目标,即如下代码段:
retcode = read(fd, buffer, length);
4 程序设计方面的考虑
5 与线程取消相关的pthread函数
int pthread_cancel(pthread_t thread)
int pthread_setcancelstate(int state, int *oldstate)
设置本线程对Cancel信号的反应,state有两种值:PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE(缺省)和 PTHREAD_CANCEL_DISABLE,分别表示收到信号后设为CANCLED状态和忽略CANCEL信号继续运行;old_state如果不为 NULL则存入原来的Cancel状态以便恢复。
int pthread_setcanceltype(int type, int *oldtype)
设置本线程取消动作的执行时机,type由两种取值:PTHREAD_CANCEL_DEFFERED和 PTHREAD_CANCEL_ASYCHRONOUS,仅当Cancel状态为Enable时有效,分别表示收到信号后继续运行至下一个取消点再退出和立即执行取消动作(退出);oldtype如果不为NULL则存入运来的取消动作类型值。
void pthread_testcancel(void)
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 | Search the num of 6531 -----------i = 0-------------- thread num b6fbcb70 thread num b67bbb70 thread num b5fbab70 thread num b77bdb70 ----------thread num b67bbb70------------- Thread b67bbb70 found the number! ----------thread num b6fbcb70------------- ----------thread num b77bdb70------------- ----------2busy2----------- ----------thread num b5fbab70------------- ----------2busy2----------- Thread b5fbab70 was canceled on its 1174527 try. Thread b77bdb70 was canceled on its 1023100 try. -----------i = 1-------------- Thread b6fbcb70 was canceled on its 1174527 try. -----------i = 2-------------- -----------i = 3-------------- It took 1174527 tries ot find the number! |