import PySimpleGUI as sg # 定义主窗口布局,确定行数 def window_main(): layout = [ [sg.Text('计算结果:', font=("微软雅黑", 10)), sg.Button('历史记录', font=("微软雅黑", 10), pad=(10, 1))], [sg.Text('0', key='-express-', justification='right', size=(30, 1), font=("微软雅黑", 10), background_color='#fff', text_color='#000')], [sg.Text('0', key='-result-', justification='right', size=(30, 1), font=("微软雅黑", 10), background_color='#fff', text_color='#000')], [sg.Button('清空', size=(6, 2)), sg.Button('删除', size=(6, 2)), sg.Button('x²', size=(6, 2)), sg.Button('÷', size=(6, 2))], [sg.Button('7', size=(6, 2)), sg.Button('8', size=(6, 2)), sg.Button('9', size=(6, 2)), sg.Button('x', size=(6, 2))], [sg.Button('4', size=(6, 2)), sg.Button('5', size=(6, 2)), sg.Button('6', size=(6, 2)), sg.Button('-', size=(6, 2))], [sg.Button('1', size=(6, 2)), sg.Button('2', size=(6, 2)), sg.Button('3', size=(6, 2)), sg.Button('+', size=(6, 2))], [sg.Button('+/-', size=(6, 2)), sg.Button('0', size=(6, 2)), sg.Button('.', size=(6, 2)), sg.Button('=', size=(6, 2))], ] # 创建窗口 return sg.Window('简易计算器@月亮', layout, finalize=True, default_element_size=(50, 1)) # 定义历史记录窗口布局 def createwindow_history(history_list=None): history_text = '' if history_list: history_text = '\n'.join(['='.join(i) for i in history_list]) layout = [ [sg.Text('历史记录:', font=("微软雅黑", 10))], [sg.Multiline(history_text, justification='right', disabled=True, autoscroll=True, size=(30, 10), font=("微软雅黑", 10), background_color='#fff', text_color='#000')] ] return sg.Window('历史记录', layout, finalize=True) def get_result(eval_str): global result eval_str = eval_str.replace('^', '**').replace('x', '*').replace('÷', '/') try: result = eval(eval_str) except Exception as e: result = '0' window_main['-result-'].update(result) return str(result) window_main = window_main() window_sub = None history_list = [] express = '0' result = '0' flag = 0 while True: window, event, value = sg.read_all_windows() if window == window_main and event in (None, sg.WIN_CLOSED): if window_sub is not None: window_sub.close() break elif event == '历史记录': if not window_sub: window_sub = createwindow_history(history_list) else: window_sub.close() window_sub = None elif window == window_sub and event is None: window_sub.close() window_sub = None elif event == '=': express1 = express express = get_result(express) history_list.append([express1, express]) flag = 1 elif event == '清空': express = '0' result = '0' window_main['-express-'].update(express) window_main['-result-'].update(result) elif event == '删除': if len(express.lstrip('-').strip('(').strip(')')) == 1: express = '0' elif express[-1] == ')': express = express.lstrip('-').strip('(').strip(')') else: express = express[:-1] window_main['-express-'].update(express) elif event == 'x²': express = f'({express}) ^ 2' window_main['-express-'].update(express) elif event == '+/-': express = f'-({express})' get_result(express) else: if flag == 1 and event in '0123456789': express = '0' flag = 0 if express == '0': express = event else: express = express + event window_main['-express-'].update(express) window.close()